Tdot Shots Toronto GTA Photo Contest 2020
Our annual Photo Contest is currently on from Sept. 15 – Oct. 31, 2021: View Iconic Toronto
Tdot Shots Toronto Presents
Our contest in 2020 ran from May 15 – July 1: Congratulations to all finalists and winners!
For more information follow us on Instagram and check out our stories/highlights and contest posts: @tdot_shots
About the contest
Tdot Shots CREATE COMMUNITY contest runs from May 15 – July 1. We welcome your photos, videos and FFA edits from Toronto, GTA, and Golden Horseshoe cities and towns!
To participate follow @tdot_shots and @prolabcanada and post your image or video on Instagram with the hashtag #TDOT_CC20 during the contest dates.
Special thanks to our sponsor ProLab Canada. We also appreciate our partners Tdot Community and GTA Features, the FFA photographers and our volunteers!
Prizes 🏆
Winners receive $100 credits for professional printing!
ProLab Canada is providing 3x $100 credits for online photo printing. If you follow the contest rules you will be eligible for these prizes. The only limitation is that winners must use a Canadian address for their photo print orders.
Runners-up will be invited (along with winners) to participate in the Tdot Shots Five Questions feature interview series.
Contest Categories
We have a straightforward set of categories and rules. Please read this page thoroughly for complete details. Scroll this page for our COVID-19 DISCLAIMER.
City & Town (Cityscape / Landscape)
City & Town: Qualifying images are from recognizable places in the City of Toronto and Greater Toronto (including GTA and Golden Horseshoe regions). Big city, small town – we want to see your shots!
Community (Portrait / Street
Community: While respecting social distancing, take portraits of community members in the places they live or work (no photos of minors). Document your neighbourhood – shoot local.
GTA FFA (Edit beautiful shots from our photo pool)
FFA (Edit): Entries should include a significant element of the original image and must fully credit the original photographers with image and caption tags. Composites are welcome! Please be creative!
Our Sponsor
ProLab Canada
Visit their website for professional printing: ProLab Canada
It was an amazing contest. Please check out the winners of the 3 categories!
City and Town
GTA FFA (Edits)
Shout outs and special acknowledgements
Big thanks to our FFA photographers: @tylersjourney @smaku @normyvision @rajeevkugan @chrisnoronhaphoto @hameedbhatti62 @wadoodbhatti
Thank you to our volunteers and content @scott_harrald, @through_my_scorpio_eyes
We want to express deep thanks for the support of our partner GTA Features aka @gta_features. While it’s not required to follow them for this contest we encourage you to check them out! They have a wonderful IG page!
Are you interested in networking with fellow creatives from the GTA? Tdot Community (now Tdot Studio) launches during the contest period and offers opportunities to meet virtually with fellow photographers, artists and media makers. We’ll share tips and training for creating beautiful and impactful visual art and communication. Stay tuned!
COVID Disclaimer: Stay Home, Shoot Local
We require participating photographers to follow health authority guidelines and employ common sense during the pandemic. You can dig through your archive, download a raw file from one of our FFA photographers, or shoot somewhere local to you while taking care of essentials.
Contest Rules
Simplified Rules: Entrants must have a public Instagram account, follow @tdot_shots and @prolabcanada and use hashtag #tdot_CC20. Read the next section to review full rules. You can click or tap to open the toggle.
Individual Qualification: Entrants must have a public Instagram account, follow @tdot_shots and @prolabcanada and use hashtag #tdot_CC20. If your account hosts photos of minors we urge you to make the account private and open a public account appropriate for engagement in a contest like this.
Category Notes: Please keep in mind social distancing and the stay home ethos. For City & Town make sure your image is a recognizable place in Greater Toronto (including Golden Horseshoe). For Community consider environmental portraits of friends, family, colleagues or community members in the places they live, work and play (no photos of minors). Be careful to follow rules for social distancing. FFA (Edit) entries should include a significant element of the original image and must fully credit the original photographers by a) tagging the images and b) mentioning the original photographer in the caption. Do not distribute the image outside of Instagram.
Medium and Format: We welcome photo and video submissions. Ideal aspect ratio is 4×5 or square 1×1 (16×9 or wide only for IG video).
Time and Place: Photos can be taken anytime but must be located within the boundaries of Toronto, GTA and Golden Horseshoe communities. Try to limit your travel and respect physical distancing. Shoot local. Document your neighbourhood. Entries are unlimited but remember quality over quantity!
Artistic Merit: Photos and media will be judged on artistic merit by a panel of Tdot Shots judges. Make your submissions beautiful! We need art now more than ever!
GTA FFA: Entering the edit contest? Please be sure to credit the original artist with a photo tag and caption tag. Do not distribute the file or your edits outside of Instagram. Download RAW files.
This contest has no formal connection with Instagram. Winners require a Canadian address to receive shipment of photographic prints from our sponsor.
Press Kit
View and download press release
Please feel free to download and share one of our images.
16×9 landscape (wide) image is ideal for Twitter and Facebook
4×5 portrait image works well for Instagram and Facebook
2019 Photo Contest
We held a contest last year too! Check out the winners of Tdot Shots Photo Contest 2019